Unreal Development Kit (UDK) Stripped Down

So recently Epic released their Unreal Development Kit (UDK), which allows anyone to develop standalone games using Epic's Unreal Engine 3. (which is, dare I say, epic!)

For a project I am working on, I needed to strip down the UDK to its bare minimum, removing all of the Unreal Tournament related content that shipped with it.

I've also seen a few discussions about this and talked to a few people irl and they need to remove all of the extra UT stuff shipped with the UDK as well... so I figured I might as well share this if anyone needs it.

I've deleted lots of content, went through each config file line by line removing all ut package references... and well, I was left with a Content folder weighing in at about 2.5MB (2.2MB being UI_Fonts_Final.upk, .3MB being an empty room)

After a few late hours, I've managed to have a working* standalone...

I'm not sure about the legality of posting this here as none of the base engine files are changed in any way but I do have 1 Epic UT script, that being UTGame.UTCharInfo. There is also the default movies and splash that ships with the UDK as well.

I will be updating my blog post with more info as I do more research/toying around.

After a few hours into the night, this is what I have came up with. GHOST_URL/UDKGame.zip

I ripped out everything out of UTGame and UTGameContent, except for UTGame.UTCharInfo, as for some reason the unreal binaries are dependent on this? I still have yet to figure this one out.

There is -nothing- except the base engine code, UTCharInfo, and some modified config files in this package.

Using it is easy: 1. Install a copy of UDK. 2. Delete the Development/UTGame folders. 3. Unzip my package into the UDK directory. 4. Use the Unreal Frontend to launch the editor/game.

**Note: **The first time you run the editor or try cooking, it may appear to hang/stall and generally take a very long time. UDK has to recompile the shaders it uses, but it only has to do this once when loading the editor and then it has to cook once more.

If you have any questions/comments/etc, feel free to reply here or my email, or however.