Tutorial Creation Slowed But Not Halted

It is time for me to return to school again for another exciting quarter, which also means I will have less time for creating tutorials. This series will still be under development, just at a slower pace. Another reason for my slight slow-down is that I am attempting at turning my series into a real book. You will see that on most future tutorials (and most of the ones I already have posted) do not have that much of an in-depth written version as I am spending my time writing for my book instead. For an example of how a chapter of this book will read, please read my Creating a Third Person Camera tutorial. Hopefully I will be able to have an editor proofread my work however to ensure even further clarity, but that is all in time.

If anyone has written a book before, has connections with some publishers, or have self-published a book before, I would love to get in contact with you as I am completely new to the book writing world in all its aspects. Thanks.

Happy developing!