HTHUD: Part 1 - Building The Base Class + Displaying Ammo

Video Version

Subject: HTHUD: Part 1 - Building The Base Class + Displaying Ammo
Skill Level: Beginner
Run-Time: 1 Hour and 30 Minutes
Author: Michael Allar
Notes: Creating a new HUD class and having it display our current weapons ammo.

Video Update 3/25/2010

Run-Time: 2 Minutes
Notes: Fixes chat messages not displaying.

Written Version

Subject: HTHUD: Part 1 - Building The Base Class + Displaying Ammo
Skill Level: Beginner
Author: Michael Allar
Notes: Creating a new HUD class and having it display our current weapons ammo.

See video for an in-depth explanation. Sorry about the indentation, it seems like my indentation will not survive copy paste… D: I will create a written tutorial soon.



Creation date: 09/03/2010 05:04
Copyright (c) 2010, Allar


class HTHUD extends UDKHUD;

/** The Pawn that is currently owning this hud */
var Pawn PawnOwner;

/** Points to the UT Pawn.  Will be resolved if in a vehicle */
var HTPawn HTPawnOwner;

/** Cached reference to the another hud texture */
var const Texture2D HudTexture;

var linearcolor HudTint;

var bool bShowAmmo;
var vector2d AmmoPosition;
var TextureCoordinates AmmoBGCoords;

/** Resolution dependent HUD scaling factor /
var float HUDScaleX, HUDScaleY;
* Holds the scaling factor given the current resolution.  This is calculated in PostRender() */
var float ResolutionScale, ResolutionScaleX;

/** The percentage of the view that should be considered safe /
var float SafeRegionPct;
* Holds the full width and height of the viewport */
var float FullWidth, FullHeight;


  • Perform any value precaching, and set up various safe regions
  • NOTE: NO DRAWING should ever occur in PostRender.  Put all drawing code in DrawHud().
    event PostRender()
    PawnOwner = Pawn(PlayerOwner.ViewTarget);
    if ( PawnOwner == None )
    PawnOwner = PlayerOwner.Pawn;

HTPawnOwner = HTPawn(PawnOwner);

// draw any debug text in real-time

HUDScaleX = Canvas.ClipX/1280;
HUDScaleY = Canvas.ClipX/1280;

ResolutionScaleX = Canvas.ClipX/1024;
ResolutionScale = Canvas.ClipY/768;

FullWidth = Canvas.ClipX;
FullHeight = Canvas.ClipY;

if ( bShowHud )

// let iphone draw any always present overlays


  • This is the main drawing pump.  It will determine which hud we need to draw (Game or PostGame).  Any drawing that should occur
  • regardless of the game state should go here.
    function DrawHUD()
    local float x,y,w,h;

// Create the safe region
w = FullWidth * SafeRegionPct;
X = Canvas.OrgX + (Canvas.ClipX - w) * 0.5;

// We have some extra logic for figuring out how things should be displayed
// in split screen.

h = FullHeight * SafeRegionPct;

Y = Canvas.OrgY + (Canvas.ClipY - h) * 0.5;

Canvas.OrgX = X;
Canvas.OrgY = Y;
Canvas.ClipX = w;
Canvas.ClipY = h;

// Set up delta time
RenderDelta = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds - LastHUDRenderTime;
LastHUDRenderTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;

PlayerOwner.DrawHud( Self );
if (bShowGameHUD)

function DrawGameHud()
<div id="_mcePaste"> DisplayConsoleMessages();</div>
<div id="_mcePaste"></div>


  • Anything drawn in this function will be displayed ONLY when the player is living.
    function DrawLivingHud()
    local HTWeapon Weapon;

// Manage the weapon.  NOTE: Vehicle weapons are managed by the vehicle
// since they are integrated in to the vehicle health bar
if( PawnOwner != none )
if ( bShowAmmo )
Weapon = HTWeapon(PawnOwner.Weapon);
if ( Weapon != none )

function DisplayAmmo(HTWeapon Weapon)
local vector2d POS;
local string Amount;
local int AmmoCount;

// Resolve the position
POS = ResolveHudPosition(AmmoPosition,AmmoBGCoords.UL,AmmoBGCoords.VL);

// Figure out if we should be pulsing
AmmoCount = Weapon.GetAmmoCount();

// Draw the background
Canvas.SetPos(POS.X,POS.Y);// - (AmmoBarOffsetY * ResolutionScale));
Canvas.DrawColorizedTile(HudTexture, AmmoBGCoords.UL * ResolutionScale, AmmoBGCoords.VL * ResolutionScale, AmmoBGCoords.U, AmmoBGCoords.V, AmmoBGCoords.UL, AmmoBGCoords.VL, HudTint);

// Draw the amount
Amount = ""$AmmoCount;
Canvas.DrawColor = WhiteColor;


  • Given a default screen position (at 1024x768) this will return the hud position at the current resolution.
  • NOTE: If the default position value is < 0.0f then it will attempt to place the right/bottom face of
  • the "widget" at that offset from the ClipX/Y.
  • @Param Position        The default position (in 1024x768 space)
  • @Param Width            How wide is this "widget" at 1024x768
  • @Param Height        How tall is this "widget" at 1024x768
  • @returns the hud position
    function Vector2D ResolveHUDPosition(vector2D Position, float Width, float Height)
    local vector2D FinalPos;
    FinalPos.X = (Position.X < 0) ? Canvas.ClipX - (Position.X * ResolutionScale) - (Width * ResolutionScale)  : Position.X * ResolutionScale;
    FinalPos.Y = (Position.Y < 0) ? Canvas.ClipY - (Position.Y * ResolutionScale) - (Height * ResolutionScale) : Position.Y * ResolutionScale;

return FinalPos;




SafeRegionPct = 1.0f



Update your defaultproperties as shown:




Compressed into a .zip file.